Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Got On A Whim


It’s been a couple of weeks since I’ve done a Top Ten Tuesday but I’m back this week. Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week I’m featuring ten books that I got on a whim.

1. Exquisite Captive by Heather Demetrios

I don’t remember exactly why I bought this book. I think I saw the cover somewhere, somehow and just went on Book Depository and bought it. It ended up being a really great book about a jinni in Hollywood. I thought it was wonderful and cannot wait to read the sequel!

2. Love and Other Perishable Items by Laura Buzo

This is a book that I randomly picked up as I was browsing the Australian YA section of my bookstore. The interesting cover and spine caught my eye and I thought the blurb sounding really good. I ended up really enjoying this book too and it was a delight to read a book that was set in the area where I go to uni.

3. One Plus One by Jojo Moyes

I bought this one a couple of years ago before I even heard of Me Before You. I saw it when I was browsing the bookstore and the cover must have just enticed me to buy it. I have yet to read this one but I hope to get to it sometime this year.

4. This is Shyness by Leanne Hall

This is a relatively new purchase. It was one of the books that was featured at the magical realism-themed YABookmeet at Dymocks Sydney. The synopsis was really intriguing so I picked it up on the spot.

5. The Stars at Oktober Bend by Glenda Millard

This was one that I saw in Allen & Unwin’s catalogue earlier this year. I hadn’t heard anything about it but the synopsis sounded like it was right up my alley. I completely fell in love with the characters and the story and am so glad that I requested this one!

6. Sway by Kat Spears

This was another cover buy and it was a bit of a fail. It was one of my least favourite books of last year because of the way that the book portrayed women. I found it to be offensive and disrespectful and did not like it one bit.

7. The Lover’s Dictionary by David Levithan

I love David Levithan so when I saw this one on sale on Book Depository, I checked it out straight away. It has a really interesting format and I loved what David Levithan did with it.

8. A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall

This book was another cover buy – it has such a cute cover! But the contents were really boring and it felt like a super generic romance. There were 14 perspectives in the book and I hated the way that it was done. Not an enjoyable read at all.

9. One Hundred Days of Happiness by Fausto Brizzi

I bought this one last year because the cover is beautiful and the synopsis sounded heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. I have yet to read this one but I’m hoping to get to it in the coming months.

10. YOLO Juliet by Brett Wright

I’d been interested in these Shakespeare emoji books for a while but I never intended to actually read any. But when I saw YOLO Juliet in store, I just had to get it. The cover was hilarious and the couple of pages that I read in store were super funny too.

Top Ten Tuesday: Ten 2015 Releases That I Didn’t Get To


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by the team over at The Broke and the Bookish. This week I’ll be featuring ten 2015 releases that I didn’t manage to get to in 2015. All of the books on my list are books that I own and acquired in 2015. Goodreads pages are linked!


1. The Weight of Feathers – Anna-Marie McLemore

I picked this one up in December of 2015 so I don’t feel too bad about not having read it. I know lots of bloggers who highly recommend this one, including Aila @ One Way or an Author and Summer @ Xingsings, so I’m keen to pick this one up real soon.

2. Challenger Deep – Neal Shusterman

I bought this one in November, so again I don’t feel too bad about not getting to it in 2015. This one won the National Book Award last year and I picked it up after seeing it featured in my bookstore.

3. Made You Up – Francesca Zappia

Now this is one that I’ve had on my shelf for a really long time. I ordered this not long after it was released… so I’ve had this one since May. Whoops. I was really excited for this Made You Up because it deals with schizophrenia and nothing makes me happier than a good book about mental illness. But I saw CW @ Read Think Ponder’s review and she mentioned some things that put a bad taste in my mouth…

4. The Accident Season – Moïra Fowley-Doyle

I picked up this one in September using some gift vouchers that I received for my birthday. I would’ve picked it up straight away… but I also picked up like 6 other books on the same day. It was a case of too many books, too little time.

5. Wolf by Wolf – Ryan Graudin

This is another on that I bought in December so I don’t feel too terrible about it being unread. I’ve heard amazing things about it so I cannot wait to read it in the coming months.

6. The Sword of Summer – Rick Riordan

Jeann @ Happy Indulgence sent me her ARC of this in December and I wanted to read it straight away but I also received some other great books from her that I decided to pick up first.

7. Lady Helen and the Dark Days Club – Alison Goodman

I received an ARC of this book at the HarperCollins BTCYA event (recapped in this post) in November but still haven’t gotten around to reading it yet. I’ve since received a finished copy so I’ll be reading it soon. I’ve heard some mixed things from my co-bloggers over at Happy Indulgence. Jeann DNFed it but Aila really enjoyed it… so I’m excited to see what I think of it. We’ll be doing a discussion review over on Happy Indulgence… as soon as I’ve read it.

8. The Peony Lantern – Frances Watts

This is another book that I acquired thanks to the HarperCollins BTCYA event. It was one of the featured OzYA HarperCollins titles and it sounded so interesting that I had to buy it at the end of the event. It’s a historical fiction novel, set in Japan.

9. Wind/Pinball: Two Novels – Haruki Murakami

I buy pretty much all of Murakami’s new releases (well, newly translated), even though I don’t get to them straight away. This one has the most eye-catching cover. Because it contains two stories, it has two different covers and they’re both so interesting to look at! Wind/Pinball was purchased in August and I feel terrible that I haven’t read it yet. One day…

10. One Hundred Days of Happiness – Fausto Brizzi

I can’t remember when I bought this one but I’m guessing it was around August or September. This was caught my eye when I was browsing the new adult releases and it had such an interesting premise and format that I had to pick it up.I don’t think this is actually a new release. I’m guessing that it’s been published previously in Italian but newly translated? Regardless it sounds fantastic and I hope I can get to it soon.