Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Bookish Facts About Me


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is facts about me so I’m going to share ten bookish facts about myself.

1. I am a Ravenclaw. The first time I did the Pottermore quiz, I was sorted into Hufflepuff but every time I’ve taken the quiz since then, I’ve gotten Ravenclaw.

2. I can only read one book at a time. When there’s more than one book that I have to read, I get really confused and just end up reading one after the other anyway. The only exception I make to this is if I’m reading a short story collection. But even then, I have to finish each short story before moving on to reading something else.

3. I’ve recently started getting into reading more comics and graphic novels. My favourite one that I’ve read so far is Alex + Ada by Jonathan Luna and Sarah Vaughn.

4. Even though I’ve only recently started reading comics and graphic novels, I’ve been reading manga since I was about 13. The first manga I ever read was probably Fruits Basket but my favourite manga/anime/live action movie is Rurouni Kenshin.

5. I have a huge bookmark obsession, especially the magnetic bookmarks from HappyHelloArt. I also have a huge stack of the Book Depository bookmarks too.

6. I’ve recently started making my own watercolour bookmarks after rediscovering my watercolour supplies from back when I did art classes.

7. I own about 700 books (this is a pure estimate)… and I’d like to say that I’ve probably read about 500 of them but I’m pretty sure that’s not true at all. In my whole lifetime, I’m guessing that I’ve probably read about 700-800 books.

8. My favourite series besides Harry Potter is The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer, followed very closely by The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare.

9. My favourite YA genre is contemporary and I have endless YA contemporary recommendations. My favourite adult fiction genre is historical literary fiction.

10. The authors who I most want to meet right now are Anthony Doerr (author of my favourite book ever, All the Light We Cannot See), Heather Demetrios (author of my favourite book so far in 2016, I’ll Meet You There), Marissa Meyer (author of my favourite series, The Lunar Chronicles), and Rainbow Rowell (author of some of my favourite books including Carry On).

46 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Bookish Facts About Me

  1. Rissi says:

    I love contemporary (YA and adult). Overall I think it’s my favorite. Also, I like to think I can read multiple books at once, but overall, I think reading goes smoother and easier when there’s just one to be enjoyed. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      Definitely agree with you! I’d much rather just focus on one book and finish it quickly before moving on to the next one. If there’s a book that I really want to read, then it just motivates me to finish my current book faster right?


  2. Aimal @ Bookshelves & Paperbacks says:

    I’ve been getting into graphic novels too! Since you enjoy contemporary, I’d suggest the graphic novel ‘This One Summer’ by Mariko Tamaki. :3 I was sorted into Ravenclaw when I was younger, but have since transitioned to a Slytherin. Great post, Jenna! x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      Thanks for the rec Aimal! I’ll definitely put This One Summer on my list of graphic novels to check out. Haha I really wanted to be a Slytherin when I was younger because I was obsessed with Draco Malfoy and wanted to be in his house 😀


  3. Cait @ Paper Fury says:

    Ohhh Rainbow Rowell and Marissa Meyer would be SO FANTASTIC to meet!! Although I would probably just die of star-strucked-ness and be entirely unintelligible anyway. XD And watercolour bookmarks sound awesome!! I’d love to calculate how many books I’ve read in my lifetime….omg it’d be so interesting. I wouldn’t even know where to start counting though. SO MANY. I also want to count my books and see how many I’ve read vs not read….it’d probably kick me into action about actually reading instead of keeping on librarying! XD Here’s my TTT!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      Omg I’m dying because Rainbow Rowell is coming to Sydney and it’s like I made it come true with this post 😀 (except I knew she was going to Melbourne Writer’s Festival and would probably come to Sydney as well). Let’s just pretend I made it happen! DYING. I’m so excited! HAHA I kinda just pulled out numbers from my head so I have no idea whether I actually own the number of books I said I own. But it would definitely be cool to know how many books I’ve read in my lifetime. Sadly there’s no way of keeping track of the books I read in my childhood T_T.


  4. meganm922 says:

    I took the quiz distracted and got Hufflepuff, so I took it again with NO distractions and got Slytherin, which I’m cool with. I just knew personality wise, I was NOT Hufflepuff. (And I admit I’m not gryffindor, either).

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    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      When I got Hufflepuff in my first sorting quiz, I didn’t think that that would be the house I’d get. But I ended up embracing it and I loved being a Hufflepuff. It honestly felt a bit weird when I did it again (after the new questions came in) and I got Ravenclaw. I even did the quiz another 5 times after that to confirm but I keep getting Ravenclaw each time 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Holly says:

    I swear that every time I take a Pottermore quiz I alternate between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw… I don’t know if it differs with my mood or something, but I’m convinced that I’m a Ravenpuff or Huffleclaw haha 🙂
    And OH MY GOODNESS I’m so jealous of your huge collection of books!!! That sounds amazing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      Haha I guess there’s a fine line between being a Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw? I loved being a Hufflepuff but the last five times I’ve done the quiz, I’ve been sorted into Ravenclaw so I guess there’s no denying it. I also keep getting the exact same wand as well. I’m nothing but consistent haha.

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  6. Reg @ She Latitude says:

    Oh god I love Fruits Basket. Some of the scenes in that book literally made me tear up and even sob, which is VERY RARE for me. I don’t think it has the best drawings, but I loved the story idea and the themes. ❤

    And I’d like to know how you keep 700 books? I have maybe like 30 physical books at home right now, haha. I have more at my parents’, but I haven’t counted them in a while and honestly have no idea how many books I actually own. I can’t even give an estimate!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      Fruits Basket was my life when I was 13. I loved it so much and I actually used all my savings to buy the entire series. It has a prime spot on my bookshelf! And how can you only have 30 physical books at home?! I need all of my favourites on hand at all times so that I can sniff them and stroke them whenever I want to HAHAHA.


      • Reg @ She Latitude says:

        I love Fruits Basket too, SO MUCH. I’m not a huge fan of the drawing but the concept and the plot and the characters are just… yep. ❤

        I think it's because I moved out from my parents' and left all of my childhood books there! I probably have 50+ back home, haha. But my new place doesn't have a lot of space and I only have like a mini bookshelf, so I try not to buy any more clutter, especially because I might be moving around quite a bit. BUT if I have physical books I'd totally be doing the same, especially the stroking. 😈


  7. Ashley says:

    Ravenclaw, yes! 😀
    I can usually only read one book at a time, unless it’s an audibook. I’ll listen to one audiobook at work and then when I am off work I will read another book by myself. I can’t switch between books and I end up just reading one and then picking up the next one later if I try lol.
    I want to get into graphic novels and comics! I feel like I am missing out on something amazing. My bookmark obsession is insane as well. I have so many bookmarks and tongs from HappyHelloArt as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lois says:

    What I wouldn’t give to meet Heather Demetrios (and find out where that letter is haha). I can’t read more than one book at a time either. To start, I’d feel like I’m cheating on the book if I started another one but, like you I’d get confused and the plots would just jumble together into one big mess of a story.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Summer @ Xingsings says:

    I watched Rurouni Kenshin (the anime) years ago and loved it. I recently watched The Liar and His Lover, a Japanese movie, and it has Takeru Satoh and loved him in that movie. I’m definitely going to watch RK, the live action, since he’s also the male lead in that one sometime this week. Also, do you like One Ok Rock? Because I’ve recently gotten into them and I learned the live action used some of their songs? 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      I watched The Liar and His Lover too when it first came out! The music in that movie is so good! I liked Sato Takeru in that one but I love him so much more in Rurouni Kenshin! The live actions are definitely my favourite movies of all time. And yes! I do like ONE OK ROCK! The lead singer used to be in one of my favourite J-Pop boybands so I started listening to ONE OK ROCK when they first formed because I was intrigued. The RK themesongs are some of my favourites of their but I also really like Pierce, Clock Strikes and Mr Genzai Speaker. Pierce was my most listened to song of 2012, 2013 AND 2014.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Summer @ Xingsings says:

        One Ok Rock hasn’t reached Exo’s level on my obsession meter, but it’s up there. Their music has been on replay all month. I love Pierce! I also really love C.h.a.o.s.m.y.t.h., Good Goodbye, and Let’s Take Someday. I also watched all three Rurouni Kenshin films and I’m pleasantly surprised. After Attack on Titan’s live action adaptions I was scarred by how awful live action movies can butcher the original manga/anime… But Rurouni Kenshin was so AWESOME. I have even more respect for Takeru Satoh after his performance in those. ❤


  10. Haley Keller says:

    The only manga I’ve read is Ouran High School Host Club, and even with that, I haven’t managed to finish the series. It’s not for lack of wanting to. I love both that series and manga in general. I’m just so bad at keeping up with series and getting the next books in the series because I always wind up with other books and tell myself I need to read them before I get anymore books, and then I never get around to getting books in series that I need to finish. One day I do hope to say that I’ve read more manga though.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      I agree that it’s really hard to keep up with manga because they’re so quick to read and you constantly have to have the next book on hand. That was my biggest struggle when I first started reading manga and only had the library as a resource. Now I just buy all the volumes before I start reading the series… which is probably not the best idea since it’s a huge risk HAHA. I actually haven’t read or watched Ouran High School Host Club even though it’s one of the most popular ones. I guess I’m always just wary and scared that I won’t like it as much as everyone else does.


  11. Zoe says:

    700 books? 😱 That’s amazing Jenna! (And super impressive that you’ve read most of them!) And I’m the same in that I can only read one book at a time too. More than that and it’s just hard to keep track of everything, you know? Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post! ❤


  12. Diana Prince Reviews says:

    I am such a huge fan of graphic novels. I haven’t had the chance to read Alex + Ada yet, but I just finished the most recent volume of Sex Criminals and laughed the entire time. I think my other favorites are Rat Queens, Saga, Lumberjanes, Giant Days, and Sunstone.

    My TTT!


  13. Heather Duff (@hross42) says:

    I’m a Ravenclaw too and also I did my Ilvermorny sort and I am a Wampus which seems to be a big cat!

    I have really gotten in to graphic novels too, Sarah Vaughan illustrates the Saga series which I love plus I took delivery today of The Walking Dead volume 1 and another called Paper Girls which is set in the 80’s and is colourful and amazing.

    I love the look of manga, what we be a good one to start with?


  14. Jeann @ Happy Indulgence says:

    OMGGGG JENNA I HAD NO IDEA YOU WERE A KENSHIN FAN TOO! I absolutely loved them and watched all the anime and live action as well (best live action ever). Yesss Lunar Chronicles for life! BTW I saw the Anthony Doerr’s new book at the bookstore, have you read that one yet?


  15. Arielle Tipa says:

    Wow! We basically have everything bookish in common except for the “one book at a time” part! Since graduating college, I’m so accustomed to reading 4-5 books at a time, that I just can’t seem to break the habit. Great post! xx Arielle


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