Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Favourite Booktubers


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the team at The Broke and the Bookish. This week I’m spreading the love and featuring ten of my favourite booktubers. I’m a blogger who gets most of my news from the blogging community but I always find it interesting to hear and learn about books in a different medium. These are ten booktubers whose videos I always click on when I see them in my subscriptions box! They’re all pretty popular booktubers, but hey, you gotta start somewhere right?

1. Christine @ polandbananasBOOKS

Okay, is there anyone who doesn’t watch Christine? She puts so much effort into her videos and booktalks and I think she’s incredibly funny. She makes things super fun and exciting and her videos are just what I need after a long day.

2. Max @ WellDoneBooks

Max is like my guide to literary fiction. I trust his opinion and his reviews and I nearly always end up loving everything that he recommends. When I want to read something that’s not YA, I can always get a great recommendation from watching Max’s videos.

3. Regan @ PeruseProject

Regan is another person who I really trust. I find her book reviews to be really helpful and I’ve discovered a lot of great books because of her. I first heard about All the Light We Cannot See on her channel and now it’s my favourite book ever.

4. Catriona @ LittleBookOwl

Everyone in the Australian book community knows Caz. I’ve met her once in real life and she’s absolutely lovely. I love watching her videos because the books she talks about are all available in Australia and everything she says is super relevant.

5. Samantha @ ThoughtsOnTomes

Sam has wonderful reviews and I love hearing her opinions on everything. She does interesting discussion videos on a huge range of topics too. She’s very articulate and is very thoughtful in everything that she says. I always look forward to her non-spoiler reviews, as well as her ‘gush’ and ‘gripe’ in-depth reviews.

6. Kat @ Katytastic

Kat was probably one of the first booktubers that I started watching. I just find her to be really relatable and I love all of her hauls. She has an uncontrollable book buying problem like me and her videos are just easy to watch.

7. April @ Aprilius Maximus

April is another Aussie booktuber. She reads A LOT of books each month and I enjoy watching her wrap ups and hearing her opinions on books that I’m most likely reading at the same time. I also really enjoy her bookish news videos.

8. Jamie & Jeff @ ErmahgerdBerks

Jeff and Jamie are a Canadian couple and they’re SO FUNNY to watch. They leave in so many funny/bloopery moments that other people would cut out and I love them for it. They read quite different genres and I enjoy that about their channel.

9. Raeleen @ padfootandprongs07

Another Canadian booktuber, I love that Raeleen reads super diversely. I find myself constantly going back to her book hauls and wrap ups to find new books to buy. She doesn’t only read and talk about YA, which I really appreciate.

10. Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

And of course, here’s a little shout out to my co-blogger, Jeann. She doesn’t post very often but I love her monthly wrap up videos and getting short but in-depth summaries of the books she’s read. She’s super honest in her reviews and I always enjoy watching them.

Which booktubers do you regularly watch and follow?

44 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Favourite Booktubers

  1. Aneta says:

    I literally just started a booktube today! that’s funny that the top ten tuesday is all about booktubers, because it’s giving me some great recommendations on who to follow 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      I actually started watching booktube before I started following book blogs so I have a lot of booktubers who I still follow. I do read a lot more blogs now though since it’s the community I’m part of. But I still like watching the occasional booktube video because it just requires much less brain power!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      Yeah, Christine can be a bit much so I can totally see people not really connecting with her content. I just love that she spends a lot of time doing what she does, and it’s really admirable. She’s good to watch when I’m having a bit of a bad day since she’s so funny 😀


      • Anette @ Anette Reads says:

        There was one video of hers that I watched last year or so that I found really really funny, but I don’t remember what it was, damn. Something about book covers? She’s real good at what she does, that’s true!


  2. Allyson says:

    I have been so hesitant to delve into the world of booktubers, just because lord knows I have enough trouble keeping my book spending habits under control without opening up new avenues of discovering books :p But I think I might have start checking some of them out!

    My TTT.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      Yeah booktube really does make me spend a lot of money haha. I fall in love with so many books because of the beautiful covers (that look much better in video than they do in still images on blog posts). It’s really hard to control myself!


  3. Lois says:

    I must confess, I don’t actually watch a lot of booktubers but I do admire their editing skills. Christine and Regan are the two I’d say I watch. Christine is basically a ball of energy and her videos are always fun which is exactly what I need if I’m in the mood to just relax. Regan is the one I’d turn to for book recommendations because her reviews are always very coherent.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      I can’t believe how much time booktubers dedicate to editing their videos! I’m so lazy with my blog formatting… I can’t imagine editing and putting together a couple videos a week. I love watching Christine when I’m in a bad mood. She’s so funny and her videos just snap me out of my crappy mood. She just balances the fun with the information really well!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Liam's Library says:

    April is one of my favourite bookish people! (And the amount of books she reads is crazy indeed!). I’m so glad to know someone who loves her too. Katytastic was also the first booktuber I found. Her bookshelf tour almost made my eyes pop out of my sockets! Great list 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      Omg Katytastic’s bookshelf is just bookshelf goals. But I don’t think I could handle owning as many books as she does because the amount of guilt I’d feel would be massive. I already feel pretty crappy about my number of unread books. And I love April so much! I feel like not many people know about her, which is sad because she has really great content.


  5. Briana says:

    I never watch Booktube. 😦 I kind of want to get into it, but I feel busy just focusing on blogs! Thanks for the suggestions, though! I’ll have a place to start when I finally venture over to Booktube!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      It is a bit hectic trying to read all the blog posts and watch all the booktube videos. But the great thing about booktube is that it’s super easy to keep track of subscriptions and I never feel pressured to watch everything. They’re also really great when I’m not really in the mood to read books or blogs because watching a video requires far less brain power!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. aentee @ read at midnight says:

    Omg yay, I was looking for more booktubes to follow (I basically just watch Peruse Project, Catriona and Thoughtful Tomes at the moment) so thank you for all these recs! A lot of booktubers have too much energy for sedated old me – so I am glad there are some on your recs who are more relatable tone wise for me XD
    And yassss go Jeann!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      Lol yeah, I can only handle a few of those high energy ones at a time. But Max is great and I’m glad you’re enjoying his videos! I read so much more literary fiction than I thought I would last year because of his recs. I also like PadfootandProngs07 because she’s always brutally honest and it’s refreshing to see.


  7. mattluigi says:

    Hi Jenna! I’m Luigi from (apparently) and I just wanted to say that I love your blog!

    I too watch youtubers and half of your list are some of my favorite ever! It’s nice to discover new booktubers. Anyways, aside from your list, I also love Grace from LovingDemBooks, Jesse from Jessethereader, Natasha from Tashapolis, Ariel from Ariell Bissett, Lizy from Elliziebooks, and a whole lot more! Lol, I also love youtubers aside from booktubers but that’s a whole different list and story! Haha.

    Anyways, just wanted to drop by and say ‘hi!’. Your blog is great and I am instantly following using my wordpress blog! Haha.


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