Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Halloween Book Recommendations


This week’s Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish) is Halloween-themed! Sadly, we don’t celebrate Halloween in Australia but I thought I’d give a couple of creepy recommendations today anyway.

I’m actually a really big wuss and I can’t deal with anything scary, so these recommendations are only slightly spooky or have an eerie quality to them. They probably won’t be scary to anybody else. I’m just spineless 😀

1. The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde

This is actually my favourite classic of all time (To Kill A Mockingbird is a close second). It’s very dark and gothic, with some really interesting themes. It’s also quite an easy classic to read and I really recommend this one.

2. The Darkest Part of the Forest – Holly Black

This book is a little bit eerie and mysterious. It’s set in a small town where the people are aware of the presence of faeries and magic. A lot of it is actually set during the night, in the woods, which gives it a bit of a spooky vibe.

3. Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children – Ransom Riggs

Miss Peregrine’s is a trilogy that I only got around to reading earlier this month and I loved it! The first book in the series is set on a small island in Wales and there are a lot of strange and mysterious things going on. There are monsters that can’t be seen and it’s just a really eerie and thrilling book!

4. The Raven Boys – Maggie Stiefvater

This is actually one that I haven’t read yet, but I’ve heard that it’s perfect for Halloween. From what I understand, the book is set in a graveyard? That already sounds kinda scary to me. I do plan to marathon the three books that are out so far, in December!

5. The Murders in the Rue Morgue – Edgar Allen Poe

I first read this when I was 14 and it was kind of terrifying! It’s very gothic and disturbing, like most of Poe’s works. There are obviously murders involved, and the victims are found in all kinds of mangled positions. It’s probably not spooky scary, but more disturbing scary.

6. The Witches – Roald Dahl

This book was read to me in school when I was 7 and I had nightmares for weeks! It’s probably not scary to me anymore but it was terrifying when I was a kid! I mean, who wouldn’t be scared of witches who kill children?! I was on the look out for bald women wearing wigs and gloves for literally a whole month. Thinking about it now still sends shivers down my spine.

7. The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy and Other Stories – Tim Burton

This is a collection of very short stories with some really beautiful illustrations. I bought this when I was in high school and read it in one sitting. The stories aren’t very scary, from memory, but they had that whimsical and mysterious quality that you associate with Tim Burton.

8. The Lake House – Kate Morton

This is a book that I’m currently reading, and I’m not far enough into it to really comment about it. Again, it’s not a scary book, but it contains a mystery about a child who disappeared and was never found. It’s also set in Cornwall, which is already a little bit creepy.

9. The Complete Fairy Tales – Grimm Brothers

Another book that I’ve started but haven’t finished, but it’s justified because this is a massive book! This is a collection of really creepy and disturbing fairy tales by the Grimm Brothers! There’s so much death and violence!

10. A Monster Calls – Patrick Ness

A book with some really creepy, black and white illustrations, A Monster Calls was definitely spooky. It’s got a very dark and melancholy feel about it. It’s a book that isn’t too scary and it has a lovely message! I highly recommend this one.

Please leave me some books that you think are perfect for Halloween! Not too scary please – my heart won’t be able to handle anything too terrifying (I’m especially weak when it comes to ghosts and things I can’t see T____T).

50 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Halloween Book Recommendations

  1. Summer @ Xingsings says:

    Okay, I think I need to stop promising to read things now… because I never started A Monster Calls the other day and I read about a hundred pages of A Little Life when I had to put it down because this reading slump came about… but yeah. I think I secretly have reading commitment issues. XD I’m only mentioning all of this because I saw A Monster Calls on here. Anyway, this is fabulous list!

    I so agree on Edgar Allen Poe! All of his work is very disturbing and his poetry just has that creepy feel to it. My bedroom also has a “reading room,” which is where my bookshelf is, and I spend so much time in there since all of my textbooks, computer, etc are there as well but there’s this huge and uber creepy window. When I spend an all-nighter I can’t bear to look outside. I get spooked easily though. And funny you mentioned Oscar Wilde! I never read any of his work throughout high school or even TKAM for that matter. But I bought TKAM this month so maybe I’ll read it someday!

    Oh and this isn’t a Halloween appropriate book really but it relates to Poe: Nevermore. Have you heard of it? It’s ya, and I read it years ago and remembered really enjoying it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      Hehe, you need a short, fluffy contemporary to get you out of your slump! Read one of your Stephanie Perkins books!

      I have to have my curtains drawn in my room because when I look out the window at night, all I can see are shadows of trees and stuff and it’s kinda scary T_T. I wish I had a reading room though! One day, I will have the cosiest reading nook ❤

      TKAM is amazing! It was one of the few required readings that I really liked. But you should definitely read some Oscar Wilde. He's amazing! His plays are really funny and he also has a really great collection of short stories for children. I haven't read much Poe besides Murders in the Rue Morge and The Raven. I'm too scared to read more haha. But I think I've heard of Nevermore.. or maybe seen it at the bookstore. It sounds terrifying though! Edgar Allen Poe's stories come to life! OMG.


  2. Marie says:

    I saw the movie version of The Witches when I was a kid. It scared me so much. Which is mildly surprising since my Parents also let me watch Chucky and Nightmare on Elm Street when I was a toddler. (seriously, they did I stopped playing with My dolls after watching Chucky and Nightmare on Elm street gave me nightmares for like a year.)

    I do love a good spooky book. It’s hard to really scare myself reading. But I do enjoy the creepy vibe a scary book gives me.
    My TTT:Marie @ Pages to Explore

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      I cannot watch anything scary at all! I just get too creeped out. I’ve never watched a horror movie!

      The Witches was the one book from my childhood that I remember really clearly because it was read to us and I was kind of forced to listen to it. And then I was masochistic enough to go and read it myself a year or two later. It was actually the scariest thing ever. I was paranoid for weeks that some random lady on the street would want to kill me.


    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      The Witches is a great book. It might actually be my favourite of his… Matilda was amazing though! The Witches is definitely scary! If I was reading it now for the first time, I’d probably be okay with it. But because I still have those terrifying childhood memories, I’m sure rereading it now would trigger my paranoia and anxiety haha. I’ll be on the look out for women who kill children…


  3. czai says:

    I have Miss Peregrine’s Home… at my shelf.. I must really read it soon. and I remember reading an abridge version of The Picture of Dorian Gray when I was young… I should remind myself to read the full book soon..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      Because I’m a bit of a scaredy cat, I thought Miss Peregrine’s had the perfect amount of creepiness. I don’t think I could have handled much more, but I can definitely see how somebody who can stomach horror or mystery would think that it wasn’t creepy enough.


  4. Lydia Tewkesbury says:

    I have an Oscar Wilde story on my TTT too. I really like his writing. He knows how to do creepy.

    I live pretty near Cornwall. I like that it’s perceived as creepy! I have never really considered it that way. Although having said that, I went down to St Ives in the summer and we went on a ghost walk. A strange old man led us around the town and told us ghost stories. It was pretty fun, if not exactly terrifying.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      I love that Oscar Wilde can do creepy really well, but also be a master at comedy. I also have his collection of short stories for children (presented and introduced by Stephen Fry) and they’re also amazing!

      I don’t really know where I got the impression that Cornwall is creepy. I think it’s because it’s got that mysterious, old-fashioned vibe to it (not that I’ve ever been). Most of the books I’ve read that are set in Cornwall have been historical and I’ve always imagined it to be dark, foresty, and almost damp. Omg I would not be able to handle the ghost stories. I just can’t!


  5. Josephine says:

    A MILLION YESES TO A MONSTER CALLS. That book is absolutely perfect. As for all the other books in this list, they sound like great reads. But being the scaredy cat I am I may or may not have to avoid some of them for their creepiness!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Lois says:

    Halloween is the only time of year I find myself in the mood to read horror. A Monster Calls is definitely one I plan on picking up soon. The Raven Boys is also a good Halloween book. It’s not as scary as some but it has a very mysterious atmosphere that can be a bit creepy at times.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      I read the Tim Burton stories such a long time ago that I don’t even remember what they were about. I know that I really enjoyed them though, and they were slightly creepy and disturbing. I should totally reread them, since it’s such a short book.


  7. drizzleandhurricanebooks says:

    Such a great list! The darkest part of the forest seems interesting! 😀 The cover of Miss Peregrine’s home for pelicular children kind of creeps me out…I’ve seen this book around a lot, but I don’t know if I want to read it, or not… maybe you just convinced me 🙂
    And Maggie Stiefvater. I heard tons of things about this author, I should check her out!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      The Darkest Part of the Forest is really good (but I still recommend The Coldest Girl in Coldtown if you’re wanting to read Holly Black). Miss Peregrine’s isn’t as scary as it seems! There are some really creepy photos in the book, but it’s not that bad. It’s less scary, and more eerie and mysterious. Also, Hollow City and Library of Souls aren’t as spooky!

      I love Maggie Stiefvater! I’ve read her Shiver trilogy and really enjoyed it, even though a lot of people dislike it. So I’m thinking I’ll REALLY love The Raven Cycle!

      Liked by 1 person

      • drizzleandhurricanebooks says:

        I’ve been seeing Holly Black around, lately, maybe I’ll start with The Coldest Girl in Coldtown to see if I enjoy it, and since you recommend it 🙂
        I need to add Maggie Stiefvater to my TBR soon! I’ve heard lots of mixed reviews, but I’d still like to read it for myself 🙂
        Thanks for the recommendations, Jenna, you’re the best! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  8. vlangloisx3 says:

    I am like you as well! I avoid super scary books like the plague! And THE WITCHES. Such a good fit!

    I also thought that Miss Peregrine’s would be so much scarier than it actually was. But it wasn’t the case, and that REALLY surprised me. I think I would not have minded if that one was just a little bit more creepier!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      I was happy with the level of creepiness in Miss Peregrine’s! I couldn’t have handled that much more HAHA. I’m terrible with this stuff! The movie will probably be terrifying though!

      And oh man, The Witches! That book gave me nightmares for ages! Even looking at the cover now, brings back bad memories 😦


  9. aentee @ read at midnight says:

    I feel I should guide you through this and start throwing scary recs your way, but then you might not ever talk to me again haha.

    I adore The Witches, or any Roald Dahl, really! I think most of his books are actually quite creepy – like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – those Oompa Loompa are freaking demonic.

    I highly recommend The Raven Boys, it’s very atmonspheric and the writing is lovely, as long as you’re OK with a thin plot.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jenna @ Reading with Jenna says:

      If you throw scary recs at me, it’ll probably ruin my record of not DNFing anything this year. Also, I’ll have nightmares and deep paranoia and IT’LL BE ALL YOUR FAULT.

      Hehe I love The Witches too. But that book literally made me cry multiple times as a child. And HAHAHA I love the Oompa Loompas! They weren’t that scary. But they’re orange so they could be part demons XD *Oompa Loompa song now in my head*

      I think I’m going to love The Raven Boys already. Plus I loved the Shiver books, and most people hated those, so I have high hopes for The Raven Cycle since everyone raves about it!


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